Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Japan's Nikkei 225 March 15th 2011:
a two day drop of almost 20%, the biggest since the crash of 1987

On a day when Japan's technicians are risking their lives fighting to prevent a Chernobyl-style nuclear meltdown and the country continues to count its dead, discussions about the stock market fallout inevitably sound misplaced.  

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


Welcome to the climactic episode of our slow-burning financial thriller: an investment rookie's guide to the simplest, soundest, most consistently successful long term wealth-building strategy any rookie could ever hope to find.  

If you've not yet read Parts One and Two please do so now (this part won't make sense without them) because, if you're thinking seriously about taking the plunge into long term investing but have been uncertain how to go about it, or if you have been scared - or scarred - by the market implosions of the past decade, I can promise that by the time you've finished reading Part Three you're going to be in a position to move ahead and take that step with confidence.